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About Us

The Hudson Lakes Association is made up of cottage owners who voluntary pay annual dues of $30. We encourage every owner, whether summer or year round resident to become a member. For member benefits and how to join see our member section.


Twin Lakes, Fairy Lake, Pike Lake and Bartle Lake are located primarily in Hudson Township, approximately 20 km west of the City of Temiskaming Shores (Formerly New Liskeard), in the District of Temiskaming. All of the seasonal and residential properties are located within Hudson Township.

The southern parts of Twin Lakes and Pike Lake are located within the unorganized Township of Firstbrook, and consist of crown land, which is administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

The Hudson Lakes are accessed from New Liskeard via Highway 65W and the Twin Lakes Road, an all-season secondary road maintained by the Township of Hudson.

Our Mandate

  • Promote the environmental health of the lakes by working with the Ontario Lakes Partners Programme (MOE) to ensure that water quality and clarity samples are taken on a timely and consistent basis.

  • Represent the interests of the residents of the lakes with respect to relations with the municipal government (Corporation of the Township of Hudson), and the MNR.

  • Inform the residents of the lakes and the township, including Township Council and provincial government officials regarding issues that impact on the environment and enjoyment of life on the lakes.

  • Ensure that issues such as shoreline development, cutting of trees, aggregate
    extraction, and skyline reserve etc. are considered in land use planning in the lakes area.

  • Undertake other activities as required to ensure that this mandate is achieved.

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Hudson Lakes Association
Box 160, 18 Armstrong St.
New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0

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