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The association’s Annual General Meeting is held on the last Wednesday of July. Typically, thirty-five to forty members are in attendance to hear reports from the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer on activities and programmes. The Reeve of the Township of Hudson is invited to attend and report on activities within the township and answers questions from the membership, and a local OPP Officer is invited to discuss any law-enforcement or traffic problems in the lakes area. In addition, a guest speaker, with knowledge relevant and of interest to our community is invited to speak. Over the past few years, the subjects have included: migratory bird banding at Pike Lake; upgrading septic systems; the Lake Partner Programme of the MOE; and the use of local vegetation to help preserve shorelines. Brochures and other printed material from the MNR, MOE and the Temiskaming Health Unit are provided to the membership. At this AGM, representatives from each of the four lakes, on a rotating basis, are elected as directors of the association.

» The HLA, as a member of the MOE’s Lake Partner Programme, coordinates the taking of water quality and clarity samples on a regular monthly basis by volunteers on all four lakes. The results of this sampling are reported at the AGM and will be posted on this website. Membership surveys have identified good water quality as being one of the most important factors in the quality of life on the lakes, and the variations in water quality are closely tracked to ensure that problem areas can be quickly identified and corrected. A reminder to ensure your septic system construction is maintained, any necessary upgrades are made to ensure the water quality in our lakes.

» Lobbying of and liaison with government agencies and local government is an important part of the mandate of the HLA. In recent years, HLA representatives have attended township council meetings to express concern about potential problems with encroachment of gravel pits and logging etc., and have also met with MNR officials and our local MPP to discuss timber cutting plans that could impact on skyline reserves and on the environmental health of the lakes.

» In 2007, a public meeting was called by the Township to discuss a request to change zoning bylaws to permit a gravel pit adjacent to the lakes. This prompted the Association to urge members to attend, and consequently more than 100 lakes residents attended to oppose the changes, which have not been enacted.

» A member of the HLA executive attends council meetings as required to ensure that good communications exist between council and the HLA. The reeve of the township is invited to the AGM, and members of council are invited to HLA sponsored events such as workshops and the annual regatta. A representative from Township Council is a member of the Lakes Plan Committee.

» The Hudson Lakes cottage area effectively starts on the main Twin Lakes Road at the intersection of roads “A”, “B” and “C”. A no hunting sign is posted on A road before the ABC intersection regarding the municipal by-law which does not allow hunting within 200m limit of the roads beyond the posted sign. The HLA has also erected an information sign and area map at this intersection and has assisted in cleaning up the mail-box area. New mailboxes were installed in 2020 and a shelter is planned for Spring 2021.

» Fund raising activities include yard sales, raffles, and the occasional calls for donations for special projects such as the “ABC’ intersection landscaping. Any donations towards materials for the new mailbox shelter in 2021, which will be erected by volunteers, will be gratefully received.

» An email list was created in 2020 of HLA members, and this and the website are the primary methods of communication for updates on activities, events, other lake issues including membership renewal. E-bulletins will be distributed to HLA members and Township Council semi-annually with regular updates to our website. These communications allow HLA members to be kept up to date on issues of concern and allows the directors to pass on information from the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA) and other agencies. Non-members can continue to access updates through the HLA website.

» The annual Twin Lakes Regatta is a popular event that has been held since the 1920's in various forms. Although not officially an HLA event, the Regatta, which includes a barbeque, is organized, and run by many HLA volunteers and is advertised in the HLA newsletters. This all-day event is a big hit with the children and is regularly attended by over 100 people. Everyone attending wins one of the prizes donated by local merchants and businesses.

» In the last few years, the Fairy Lake Pontune Night has been held Regatta weekend. Everyone is welcome. Bring your own watercraft or set up on your dock (or a friend’s dock), listen to our local musicians and sing along.

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Hudson Lakes Association
Box 160, 18 Armstrong St.
New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0

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