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Hudson Lakes Association Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 7:00 pm @ Hudson Hall and via WebEx

Attendance: Sarah, Renee, Dana, Laurie Mc., Jim, Rosemarie, Bill, Mike, Chelsie and Stephanie via WebEx. Absent: Laurie Wigle

Land Acknowledgement

  • Adoption of the Agenda. Moved by: Jim Seconded by: Dana All in favour

  • Motion to Accept the Minutes of the Meeting, February 7th, 2023 Moved by: Dana Seconded by: Jim All in favour

  • President’s Report – Sarah – Will discuss as we go through, as it is all covered in the Agenda items below. Sarah has emailed Larry Craig with our ongoing open invitation for someone from Council to attend our meetings.

  • Treasurer’s Report – Laurie – Laurie presented his report, see attached. Motion – That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Moved by: Laurie Seconded by: Renee All in favour

  • Sarah and Laurie will go to the bank and update signatories and set up auto-deposit on e-transfers. Sarah has received a renewal email for insurance that she will forward to Laurie to be paid. Laurie has purchased the sign and will be paying the bill. The HLA fee Invoice for 2023 will be sent out to members via email by Sarah ASAP. Motion – To simplify accounting, moving forward all funds will be in the general fund and be reported as such. Moved by: Dana Seconded by: Rosemarie

  • Spring Newsletter and Next Newsletter – Spring Newsletter went out and looks great, it is up on the website. Next Newsletter will be the first week of July. President’s Report (AGM date and HLA dues to be included) and flyer for Regatta to come from Chelsie. One page front and back for each the HLA Newsletter and the Regatta. The combined Newsletter/Regatta Info will be delivered while asking for donations for Regatta. Send copies to Bill to post on website and it will also be posted on the Hudson Lakes Facebook page.

  • HLA Website – Bill provided an update and tour of the website he is working on. Need to have a discussion at the AGM with membership about personal email addresses and phone numbers being posted on the website, yes or no and if so, password protected?

  • Lake Capacity Study/Septic Survey – Sarah – Sarah sent an email to JL Richards on February 24th indicating that the survey should not require people to answer all questions and that the HLA wanted a copy of all the results. Sarah has followed up with JL Richards but has not heard back as of yet on the results of the survey.

  • Township Official Plan - Next Meeting? Nothing has been shared. Nothing on the website and no response from JL Richards. Dana will let us know if something is shared at the next Township meeting.

  • Update on Shelter – Sarah & Mike (solar lights & cedar shakes) – Lights are up and are working. Sarah will email and thank Darren. Cedar shingles instead of shakes – Mike will investigate how much we will need and get this purchased and put them up.

  • Membership Dues/Recruitment/Welcome Package – Dana & Renée - Nothing to report. Will work on this during the summer.

  • Regatta Update - Chelsie & Renée (August 5th and 6th) - Meeting coming up and anyone who wants to help out please let us know. Call out to students to do volunteer hours. For next year, concerns shared about fireworks in terms of wildlife and pets. Bouncy castles activities etc… instead of fireworks?

  • AGM Date and Guest Speaker – Sarah (July 26th) - 7:00 at Hudson Hall. Sarah inquired with JL Richards and they do not offer anything for free, cost would be $1700/hour for a virtual presentation. Anyone have any suggestions for a guest speaker? Wilderness safety if you get lost or injured in the woods (survival) 15-20 mins – Chris Hawkins. Larry Craig – 10 mins on what is going on in the township. Sarah to follow up on both of these options.

  • Update on HLA Sign – Laurie & Jim – approved at the last meeting. Sign has been made and we have been invoiced $1576 and the wood is $642. Work will begin this week.

  • New Business – Sarah received a call from an HLA member. He had seen in the Newsletter that a sign had been purchased already and was inquiring about the process and not having been contacted to provide an updated quote. Jim said it was an oversight that he did not contact him (Sarah did send the info). Dana suggested that Jim and Laurie touch base with him about the oversight. Dana shared that taxes are going up 4% this year. There have been cuts to the recreation budget. Need a new grater very badly and the cost is $600,000. Firetrucks are aging and the pumper is 28 years old and only good until it is 30 years old. Volunteer fireman are going to require the same training as full-time fireman. Budget for this is very high. Discussion over summer logging. Road A cannot be used.

  • Next Meeting Date – AGM on July 26th at 7:00 pm at the Hudson Hall

  • Adjournment – at 8:31 pm Moved by: Dana

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Hudson Lakes Association

Box 160, 18 Armstrong St.
New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0

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