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Hudson Lakes Association Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 8th, 2024


Hudson Lakes Association Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

7:00 pm @ Hudson Hall and via WebEx

Land Acknowledgement

Adoption of the Agenda

Moved by: Mike Seconded by: Sarah

Motion to Accept the Minutes of May 30, 2024

Moved by: Laurie Seconded by: Sarah

President’s Report – Bill

Bill attended the Regatta and the addition of the Saturday activities at Pike Lake were great. Bill attended the August Township meeting. There was a clear divide and some may not have read the full document prior to the meeting. There were things in the original Official Plan draft that will be removed, such as the expansion of 92 lots at Pike Lake. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend the September and October Township meetings due to conflicts. At the meeting in August, short term rentals, septics, and development on Lower Twin and Pike Lake were the main areas of concern. We may want to do a poll on these topics. Lake Capacity Study is a flawed document according to one of the Directors. Stewardship Plan from 2010 discussed. Development should be limited according to this and there really is not much left to be developed at this point.

Treasurer’s Report – Laurie

Motion – That the Association accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.

Regatta loan was paid back. We have 80 paid memberships this year up from around 65 last year. Account balance is $10,570.60, which includes our FOCA payment. Next FOCA payment will be due November 2025.

Moved by: Laurie Seconded by: Mike

FOCA Association Benchmarks Survey – Bill

They requested one person complete the 15-20 minutes survey by November 12, 2024. We will complete this together at the end of the meeting.

Fall/Winter Newsletter – to go out last week of November/first week of December Due to Renee by November 15th.

President’s Report – Bill

Snail Update – Susi Johanson

Bear/Wildlife Encounters – Mike

Temiskaming Search & Rescue Training on Fairy Lake – Thomas McLean

Rabid Bats -

Northern Lights – Sarah

Recipe (Christmas) - Chelsie

Regatta Results & Day in the Park Results – Renee

Meet Santa Day – Recreation Committee?

Merry Christmas – New Year’s Fireworks (8:00pm in front of Ramsay’s cottage) combination of fireworks from New Year’s and the Regatta

Discussion around hot water and getting a washing station for boats at the Hudson Hall.

Blitz for collecting snails, application to get 2 students etc…

HLA Member Recruitment – Renee

Renee would like to do a one-page flyer in the Spring/Early Summer to promote HLA and becoming a member. Hand deliver is the most effective.

Township Official Planning Update from Council – Dana

  • Guest cabins were originally not going to be permitted. That has been put back in as long as you have adequate septic for that “bedroom”. That means you require a permit. Of note, 160 square feet you are allowed to build without a permit, except if it is for human habitation then it automatically requires a permit.

  • Sea Containers are back in without restrictions.

  • Travel Trailers not being enforced - Generally, municipalities do not permit people to live in a travel trailer on a property.

  • Protecting our lakes is our mandate.

  • Septics – something that is in the plan. The Township will inspect every 5 years, however, they don’t have the capacity to do this. Can they get funding? We had 18 people answer the Septic survey for the Lake Capacity Study. The Health Unit records on septics are incomplete and outdated. Dana is working on having the Township look at an incentive program, $100 once every 5 years deducted from your municipal taxes if you provide a receipt of your septic being emptied. Could HLA do an incentive draw as well? Discussion around marine facilities/boat houses and setbacks because we have seen how there are loopholes in the current by-laws. – site plan agreements in Temagami HLA will do a survey on short term rentals (we have about 6 right now) items for feedback are meet firecode, septic inspection, lake etiquette/welcome package, also the other hot topics … Then we present to the Township the results.

  • Timeline on this – Bill to get on the agenda for the next Township meeting that the Draft Official Plan document be made public and to let the Council know we are working on a survey to give input on the Official Plan from the HLA. Poll – on Facebook… do two surveys one emailed directly to HLA members and one on Facebook for others.

  • Dana encouraged people to attend the Township meetings.

  • Gail and Bill will work on the survey and share with the Directors. Chelsie will prepare the surveys using Google Forms.

  • Save Station Project – Dana

Basically AED all weather, requires some power and they are good year round. Epi-pen and Narcan kits can be put in but would need to be removed in the winter. Location would be key. Matt Dukes was suggested as he is close to the mailboxes, hydro at the road for Parolink tower and has room for someone to safely park and access the Save Station.

Should we look for outside funding? Yes. Dana to look into this and report back. Discussion around Narcan and Epi-pen was had.

  • Regatta Report (in camera) – Chelsie & Bill

  • Motion to move in camera, allowing Dana to remain

Moved by: Dave Seconded by: Laurie

  • New Business

  • Next Meeting Dates – November 20th, 2024 at 7:00 and February 19th, 2025 at 7:00

  • Adjournment

Moved by: Dave

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Hudson Lakes Association
Box 160, 18 Armstrong St.
New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0

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